- Home of Tithe6 developed by Cedric Fairweather - Home of Tithe6 developed by Cedric Fairweather
Home of Tithe 6. Excellent software to track contributions.
Contact: or 307-632-3317
Home of Tithe 6. Excellent software to track contributions.
Contact: or 307-632-3317
This ministry was designed to benefit all Christian groups needing affordable software. From the beginning, this ministry has been supported by the generous donations of those that use my software. When you download Tithe 6, you will get the full version and it is not restricted in any way. The word “Unregistered” will appear on the main menu until you register it, but everything will work the same whether you register or not. None of the features have been turned off and it doesn’t drop dead after a given period of time. I have never charged for my technical support and I will help you, registered or not. I greatly appreciate those that support my ministry with a one-time or annual donation and it doesn’t matter if it is large or small. Just pray and give what you feel is right for you and I will appreciate it. This ministry has been helping churches for over 36 years.
Note: The latest Tithe version, no longer has a password option. After careful consideration, I decided it would be wise to remove this option. If you would like to support this ministry, please send your donation to:
Cedric Fairweather, PO Box 21274, Cheyenne WY 82003
Or a PayPal donation to (Preferred method for users outside the USA)